Indefinate Leave To Remain requiements to settle in the UK

What is Indefinite Leave To Remain?

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) or permanent residency, is an immigration status granted to a person who wishes to apply to settle in the UK on a permanent basis.

 ILR is the first step in the journey towards full British Citizenship and means there is no time limit on how long you can stay in the country.

Indefinite Leave to Remain requirements

Illegal Immigration Removal (ILR) is the process by which individuals seeking to move to the UK must meet a number of criteria, including that they have been lawfully living in the UK for a certain length of time. 

ILR requirements are dependent on an individual's specific circumstances, particularly the type of visa they hold.

You must be lawfully and continuously resident in the UK for a certain period of time before you are considered to be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain. 

To be deemed eligible, you must:. Pass the Life Test which tests a person's knowledge of British history, culture, and traditions. 

Spend more than 90 days outside the UK in any 12 months during the qualifying period. 

Acquire a Level B1 in English, as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Who can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain?

You can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK through various routes. 

In most cases, you will be able to stay as one of the following:. A partner, a family member, a certain type of worker (e.g Tier 2/Skilled Worker), or on the continuous and long-term lawful residence.

Required documents to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain

There are also a number of supporting documents that you must provide to prove your eligibility for the position.

Original copies

It is possible to upload your documents electronically, but it is important that they are original copies of originals.

 In cases where this is not possible, you will need to explain the reason. 

The Home Office will exercise some leniency if you can show genuine reasons why originals cannot be provided.

Documents required for ILR application

If you are applying to become a permanent resident of the UK, you will need to provide personal and travel documents relating to your time in the UK. 

In most circumstances, this will include Your current passport, any old passport that was valid during your period of residency, and any travel documentation relating to any time spent outside of the United Kingdom.

How does the Life in the UK Test work?

A mandatory part of the Indefinite Leave to Remain application process is the Life in the UK test.

Test overview

Apply to become a British citizen is one of the most important tests for people who want to become permanent residents of the United Kingdom. 

The test is made up of 24 questions relating to the history, culture, and customs of the UK. 

The 24 questions are randomly generated on the day and the results are published each year.

How long is the Life in the UK test?

The Life in the UK test must be booked three days in advance and costs £50. 

There are over 50 test centers across the UK where you can take the test. If you fail the test, you can re-sit it as soon as seven days after the date of your test.

 There is no limit on how many times you are able to re-sit the test, however.


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